ACM Summer School on Data Science 2024
The 5th ACM Europe Summer School in Data Science will take place in Athens in July 8th-12th, 2024. Young Computer Science researchers from all over the world will have the opportunity to attend summer courses in the topics of Data Science, Data Management, Deep Learning, and Big Data Processing.
The summer school is addressed to early-stage Computer Science researchers and engineers, i.e. early-career faculty, postdocs, PhD candidates, MSc students, and engineers from industry and in some special cases senior undergraduate students. In terms of its format, the school will be mostly a mix of formal lectures in the morning and practical exercises in the afternoon.
Keynote lectures by major figures in the field will also be given at key points of the program. All courses will take place in the Royal Olympic Hotel, which is just in front of the famous Temple of Zeus and National Garden, underneath the Acropolis.
Applications are open! Check how to participate
Data Science Summer School 2023


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