The 3rd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science was successfully completed!
An exciting learning experience in Athens! The 3rd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science was completed successfully and left memorable impressions to students and lecturers alike. The Summer School took place in Athens, Greece, from 11 to 17 of July 2019, in Athens Marriott Hotel. Fifty five young computer science researchers and engineers from […]

3rd ACM Europe Summer School Daily Schedule
The School’s daily schedule is now announced. All courses run from 8.30 – 9.00 to 17.00 – 18.00 in specially designed spaces at the Chios Meeting Room of the Athens Marriott Hotel. Please note that there are no courses taught on Sunday, July 14th. DOWNLOAD THE PRINT VERSION

Meet the Lecturers of the 3rd ACM Europe Summer School
The 3rd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science will take place in Athens on July 11-17, 2019. Young Computer Science researchers from around the world will have the opportunity to attend courses in the topics of Data Science, Data Management and Analysis, Machine Learning, Visual Analytics, Social Analytics and Recommendation systems, Ethics of Data […]

3rd ACM Europe Summer School: Results are out!
We are very pleased to announce that the results of the selection process of the 3rd ACM Europe Summer School are out! The number of applicants surpassed our expectations receiving more than 180 applications. The evaluation process was very demanding. All applicants should now have received an official notification of their result. If you were an […]

Who can participate?
Advanced undergraduate and graduate (MSc and PhD) students, postdocs, young faculty, and other academic and industrial researchers interested in an intensive study of key topics on Data Science are welcomed to apply in the 3rd ACM Europe Summer School. Candidates are required to already have some exposure to databases, data mining, and machine learning. The […]

Important Dates 2019
Call for applications: 30/05/2019 CHANGED:Application deadline: 14/06/2019 EoD AoE (-12UTC) The application process is now closed. CHANGED! Notification of acceptance: 21/6/2019 Confirmation of participation and fee payment: 28/06/2019 Summer School Dates: 11-17/07/2019

Call for Participation – 3rd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science
ACM invites students to the 3rd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science to be held in Athens (Greece) on 11–17 July 2019. Students will have the opportunity to attend keynote lectures and multi-lecture courses by distinguished academics and researchers on several forms of data analytics and machine learning, including the interplay between advanced data […]

2nd ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science: An exciting learning experience in Athens!
The 2nd ACM Europe Summer School was successfully completed in Athens for the second consecutive year, during an exciting week which left everyone with a precious educational experience on Big Data and Data Science, and offered a great opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and expertise in such a promising field of study. On the 12th […]

Meet the Speakers

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