2024 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications”
Welcome to the 2024 ACM Summer School! This year's program focuses on High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and it will also explore emerging research areas such as Quantum Computing. The 2024 ACM Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” will take place from 2 to 6 September in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) will host the school.
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the school's main sponsor.
The summer school is designed for recent postdocs and PhD students in computer science and related fields and is open to outstanding MSc students. Sixty accepted participants will spend one week in Barcelona, attending formal lectures, invited talks, and other activities. The school will cover accommodation expenses and catering during school hours.
After Mateo Valero’s opening keynote, Michela Taufer (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) will introduce AI & HPC, and Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque (BSC & UPC) will cover topics related to HPC workflows. On the second day, Andrea Bartolini (University of Bologna), Mauro Olivieri (Sapienza University), and Francesco Minervini (BSC) will lecture on RISC-V and microprocessor design. Luca Benini (University of Bologna) will deliver a remote presentation. On day three, Jesús Labarta (BSC) will address highly parallel techniques and performance optimisation, and Josep Lluís Berral (BSC & UPC) will lecture on Distributed Data Analytics for AI. Paul Messina and Charles Catlett (Argonne National Laboratory) will coordinate the fourth day of the school, linking the programme with the Trillion Parameter Consortium initiative (TPC). Javier Aula-Blasco (BSC), Miguel Vázquez (BSC), Camila Pontes (BSC), and Arvind Ramanathan (Argonne National Laboratory) will address AI and Large Language Models. The school’s final day will be devoted to quantum computing by Marta Estarellas (Quilimanjaro Quantum Tech) and an industry track. In addition, the Turing laureate Leslie Lamport will entertain a conversation on his past scientific life and current research activities. BSC’s Director, Mateo Valero, will close the school with a final keynote.
All attendees will receive a complimentary ACM student membership upon school completion. During the one-year complimentary membership, students will receive electronic subscriptions to Communications of the ACM, ACM’s flagship magazine, and XRDS, ACM’s magazine written and edited by students for students. Students will also receive access to online books, videos and courses from leading provider Skillsoft on today’s most sought-after job skills. And much more.
The general Chairperson of the school is Mateo Valero, Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Fabrizio Gagliardi (ACM and BSC) is the school's Director and co-leads the local organising committee with Eduard Ayguadé (BSC and UPC), Web Home María Ribera Sancho (BSC and UPC), Teresa Cervero (BSC), Amalia Hafner (BSC), and Andrea Sansano (BSC).
The application period will be available between 15 May and 30 June end-of-day AoE.
Accepted candidates will be informed by 15 July.