Juliana Freire, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Data ScienceExecutive Director, NYU Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment, New York, USA
Course Outline:
Lecture 1:
Urban Data: Challenges and Opportunities
Data Quality Issues
Exploring Urban Data: Usability and Interactivity
Lecture 2:
Finding Interesting Features
Using Data to Discover and Explain Data
Transparency and Reproducibility
Hands-on 1:
Data cleaning
Hands-on 2:
Exploring shadows and trees in NYC
Course Material (lab and data) at
Course Notes at
The students will have to install OpenRefine and Jupyter+a few libraries.
The instructions are in the lab descriptions in github.
Meet the speakers

Courses on Data Science and Big Data
Spatio-temporal analytics | urban analytics | Visual analytics | Social network analytics | Data science ethics | Privacy-preserving analytics | Streaming analytics | Text analytics | Health analytics | User analytics for recommender systems