ACM Europe Council
The ACM Europe Council was created by ACM to recognize and support European ACM members and activities.
About the ACM Europe Council
The ACM Europe Council aims to increase the level and visibility of ACM activities across Europe. The Council is comprised of European computer scientists committed to fostering the visibility and relevance of ACM in Europe, and is focused on a wide range of European ACM activities, from high-quality ACM conferences in Europe, to expanding ACM chapters, to encouraging greater participation of Europeans in all dimensions of ACM.
- Join with other computing and scientific organizations in Europe to offer new programs and activities
- Encourage nominations of ACM European members for the advanced member grades of Senior Member, Distinguished Member, and Fellow
- Work with ACM SIGs to increase the number of ACM conferences in Europe
- Increase the number of ACM chapters and level of chapter activity in Europe
ACM Europe and IE Release Informatics Education Strategy
The ACM Europe Council and Informatics Europe have collaborated on a report that builds on an earlier document, "Informatics Education in Europe: Are We All in the Same Boat?". The report, "Informatics for All: The Strategy," aims to establish Informatics as an essential discipline for all, a subject available at all levels throughout the educational system. The strategy is also summarized in a one-page document.

Europe TPC, IE Recommendations on Automated Decision Making
The white paper "When Computers Decide: European Recommendations on Machine-Learned Automated Decision Making" presents the views of the ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee and Informatics Europe (IE) on the challenges posed by the increasing presence of Machine Learning and Automated Decision Making (ADM) systems in almost every aspect of modern human life.

First-Ever Global Curriculum Guidelines in Cybersecurity
After an extensive two-year process, a joint task force led by the ACM, IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS), Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Security (AIS SIGSEC), and the International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Information Security Education (IFIP WG 11.8) has released a first-ever set of global curricular recommendations for post-secondary degree programs in cybersecurity education.

ACM US and Europe Tech Policy Committees Issue Statement on IoT Privacy and Security
The ACM US Technology Policy Committee and the ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee have released a Statement on Internet of Things Privacy and Security addressing existing and expected privacy and security concerns in the IoT ecosystem. The principles in the statement propose policy and technical approaches to tackle privacy and security challenges while ensuring that the technology continues to move forward.

Meet Rukiye Altin, ACM-WE Chair
Rukiye Altin has been elected the new ACM-W Europe Chair. Rukiye is a Postdoc Researcher at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany. Her research interests include computer science education, computational thinking, information ethics and educational technology. Rukiye worked for 10 years as a CS teacher at K-12 level and she earned a PhD degree in the field of Computer Science Education. An active ACM-W volunteer since 2007, Rukiye is a member of ACM, SIGCSE and CSTA.

Meet ACM Distinguished Speaker Luca Chittaro
Luca Chittaro is Professor of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Udine, Italy, where he heads the HCI Lab. He has been involved in organizing many ACM conferences in HCI, and is a strong advocate of its societal impact, working with clinicians in various fields of health and with safety experts to create innovative applications for real-world use.

ACM Council
- President
Yannis Ioannidis
- Vice President
Elisa Bertino
- Secretary/ Treasurer
- Rashmi Mohan
- Publications Board Co-Chair
Wendy Hall
Divesh Srivastava
- SIG Governing Board Chair
Neha Kumar
- SGB Council Representative
Jens Palsberg
Vivek Sarkar
Thomas Zimmermann
- Past President
Gabriele Kotsis
- Member-at-Large
Tom Crick
Alison Derbenwick Miller
Odest Jenkins
- John Kim
- Tanara Lauschner
- Alejandro Saucedo
Michelle Zhou
Audit Committee
Awards Committee
- Co-Chair
Roy Levin
Gabriele Kotsis
- ACM A. M. Turing Award
Pat Hanrahan
- ACM Prize in Computing
- Peter Druschel
- ACM Athena Lecturer Award
Briana Bettin
- ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
Dahlia Malkhi
- ACM Distinguished Service Award
P J Narayanan
- ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Gustavo Alonso
- ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
- Jelani Nelson
- ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
Tim Bell
- ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
- Sergey Yekhanin
- ACM Policy Award
Lorraine Kisselburgh
- ACM Software System Award
Theo Ezell Schlossnagle
- ACM - IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
Lizy Kurian Lizy
- Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
Chris L. Hankin
- ACM Fellows
Holly E Rushmeier
- ACM Headquarters Liaison
- Jade Morris
ACM Executive Committee
ACM Risks Forum
Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE)
- Chair
Marty Wolf
- Vice Chair
Catherine Flick
- Secretary
Keith Miller
- Past Chair
Don Gotterbarn
- Educational Coordinator
Michael Kirkpatrick
- Social Media Coordinator
Karla Carter
- Technical Coordinator
Bo Brinkman
- Code Outreach Coordinator
Catherine Flick
- Publications Liaison
Jesmin Jahan Tithi
- Member
- Sally Applin
Richard Blumenthal
- Emanuelle Burton
- Kenneth Christensen
- Shannon French
Frances Grodzinsky
Kai Kimppa
- Evelyn Lulis
Helena Mentis
- Catherine Ngirwa
- Thomas Owens
- Norberto Patrignani
- Tom Yeh
History Committee
Investment Committee
Digital Library Board
Education Board
- Co-Chair
Alison Derbenwick Miller
Briana Morrison
- Past Chair
Elizabeth Hawthorne
- Member-at-Large
Alison Clear
Thomas Cortina
Judith Gal-Ezer
Amruth Kumar
Paul Leidig
Fay Cobb Payton
Tamara Pearson
Susan Reiser
Mihaela Sabin
Cara Tang
Jake Baskin
- ACM Headquarters (Education Manager)
Yan Timanovsky
- Advisor
Chris Stephenson
Education Advisory Committee
- EngageCSEdu Co-EiC
Brian O'Neill
- Member
Amadeo Arguelles
Brett Becker
David Joyner
Stephanie Ludi
Joseph Maguire
- Shuhan Majid
- Janice Mak
Alvaro Monge
- Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende
Christian Servin
- Venky Shankararaman
Cindy Tucker
- Chair, Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges
- Markus Geissler
- NDC Committee Representative
Jodi Tims
Stuart Zweben
- SIGCSE Representative
- Rodrigo Duran
- SIGCAS Representative
Richard Blumenthal
- SIGCHI Representative
Olivier St-Cyr
- SIGGRAPH Representative
Susan Reiser
- SIGHPC Representative
Steven Gordon
- SIGPLAN Representative
Matthias Hauswirth
- SIGITE Representative
Christian Servin
- Headquarters Liaison
Yan Timanovsky
Education Policy Committee
Practitioner Board
Distinguished Speaker Committee
Local Mentoring Committee
Minigraphs Committee
Professional Development Committee
Publications Board
- Co-Chair
Wendy Hall
Divesh Srivastava
- Member
- Rick Anderson
Tom Crick
Jack Davidson
Michael Heroux
Michael Kirkpatrick
James Larus
Marc Najork
Beng Chin Ooi
Mauro Pezzè
Francesca Rossi
Robert Schnabel
- Stuart Taylor
Bhavani Thuraisingham
Adelinde Uhrmacher
Philip Wadler
John West
Min Zhang
- SGB Liaison
Jonathan Aldrich
- ACM HQ Liaison
Scott Delman
SIG Governing Board
Matt Huenerfauth
- SIGACT Chair
- Funda Ergun
- SIGAI Chair
Sanmay Das
- SIGAPP Chair
Tei-Wei Kuo
Natalie Enright Jerger
- SIGBED Chair
Xue (Steve) Liu
- SIGBio Chair
May Dongmei Wang
- SIGCAS Chair
Michelle Trim
- SIGCHI President
Neha Kumar
- Matthew Caesar
- SIGCSE Chair
Alison Lynne Clear
- SIGDA Chair
- Wanli Chang
- SIGDOC Chair
- Huiling Ding
- SIGecom Chair
Michal Feldman
- SIGEnergy Chair
- David Irwin
- SIGEVO Chair
- Peter A.N. Bosman
Eakta Jain
- SIGHPC Chair
Christine Harvey
- SIGIR Chair
- Vanessa Murdock
- SIGKDD Chair
Wei Wang
- SIGLOG Chair
- Catuscia Palamidessi
Mor Harchol-Balter
- Reetuparna Das
- SIGMIS Chair
Damien Joseph
- SIGMM Chair
Alberto Del Bimbo
Lili Qiu
- SIGMOD Chair
Divyakant Agrawal
- SIGOPS Chair
Haibo Chen
Andrew Myers
- SIGSAC Chair
- XiaoFeng Wang
- SIGSAM Chair
Clément Pernet
- SIGSIM Chair
Andreas Tolk
- SIGSOFT Online Chair
- Marsha Chechik
- John Krumm
Melisa Tanger-Brown
- SIGWEB Chair
- Eelco Herder
SGB Executive Committee
- SIG Governing Board Chair
Neha Kumar
- SGB EC Vice Chair for Operations
Christine Harvey
- SIG Development Advisor
- Brad A. A. Lawrence
- SGB Conference Advisor
Lili Qiu
- New SIG Advisor
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan
- SIG Viability Advisor
Adrienne Decker
- SIG Awards Advisor
Natalie Enright Jerger
- Publications Advisor
Jonathan Aldrich
- SIG Board Past Chair
Jens Palsberg
- SGB Council Representative
Vivek Sarkar
Thomas Zimmermann
- ACM Headquarters SIG Liaison
- Donna Cappo
Regional Councils
ACM Europe Council
- Chair
Rosa Badia
- Vice Chair
Panagiotis Papadimitratos
- Secretary/ Treasurer
Bran Knowles
- Past Chair
Chris Hankin
- Member
Anastasia Ailamaki
Michael Caspersen
Manuel Hermenegildo
- Eshcar Hillel
Rute Sofia
- ACM Europe Education Committee Chair
Judith Gal-Ezer
- Informatics Europe (IE) Liaison
Jean-Marc Jezéquél
- European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics ((ERCIM) Liaison
- Han La Poutre
ACM India Council
- President
- Meenakshi D'Souza
- Vice President
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
- Secretary/ Treasurer
Sachin Lodha
- Member
- Shweta Agrawal
- Aritra Banik
Ranjita Bhagwan
- Maria Choudhary
- Amey Karkare
Viraj Kumar
Sudip Misra
- Shourya Roy
- Vipul Shah
Yogesh Simmhan
- Revathi Venkataraman
- R. Venkateswaran
- Past President
- Venkatesh Raman
- ACM India COO
- Ranga Rajagopal
ACM China Council
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
ACM-W Committee Leadership
ACM Technology Policy Council
- Co-Chairs
- Virginia Dignum
Jeanna Matthews
- Past Chair
James Hendler
- Chair, US Technology Policy Committee
Larry Medsker
- Chair, Europe Technology Policy Committee
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
- Chair, TechBriefs Committee
- Jody Westby
- SIG Representatives
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
- At-Large Members
Virgilio Almeida
Vinton Cerf
Paola Inverardi
P J Narayanan
Barbara Simons
Daniel Weitzner
U.S. Technology Policy Committee
- Chair
Larry Medsker
- Vice Chair
- Jody Westby
- Past Chair
Jeremy Epstein
James Hendler
- Charles Brownstein
Edward Felten
Stuart Shapiro
Barbara Simons
Eugene Spafford
- Executive Committee
Jeremy Epstein
Simson Garfinkel
Andrew Grosso
Larry Medsker
- Jody Westby
- Accessibility Subcommittee Chair
John Murray
- Digital Governance Subcommittee Chair
Simson Garfinkel
- Law Subcommittee Chair
Andrew Grosso
- Privacy Subcommittee Chair
- Brian Dean
- Security Subcommittee Co-Chairs
Alec Yasinsac
- Voting Subcommittee Co-Chairs
Andrew Appel
Douglas Jones
- Members-at-Large
Joshua Kroll
- Europe Technology Policy Committee Chair, ex officio
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
- ACM CEO, ex officio
Vicki Hanson
- ACM COO, ex officio
- Pat Ryan
- ACM President, ex officio
Yannis Ioannidis
ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee
- Chair
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
- Executive Committee
Chris Hankin
Manuel Hermenegildo
Paola Inverardi
- Artificial Intelligence Subcommittee, Chair
- Alejandro Saucedo
- Autonomous Systems Subcommittee, Chair
Gerhard Schimpf
- Climate Change Subcommittee, Chair
Bran Knowles
- Cybersecurity Subcommittee, Chair
Chris Hankin
- Data Science Subcommittee, Chair
Andrew McGettrick
- Members-at-Large
Manuel Hermenegildo
Paola Inverardi
Enrico Nardelli
Gürkan Solmaz
- ACM President, ex officio
Yannis Ioannidis
- ACM Europe Council Chair, ex officio
Rosa Badia
- Senior Advisor, ex officio
Fabrizio Gagliardi
- ACM Technology Policy Council Co-Chairs, ex officio
- Virginia Dignum
Jeanna Matthews
- ACM US Technology Policy Committee Chair, ex officio
Larry Medsker
- ACM Chief Executive Officer, ex officio
Vicki Hanson
- ACM Chief Operating Officer, ex officio
- Patricia Ryan
- Past Chair
Chris Hankin
TechBriefs Committee
ACM Representatives to Other Organizations
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
ACM-W Europe
ACM-W Europe (ACM-WE) supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, as well as advancing the contributions of technical women. Among its goals are promoting the image of computing among women, promoting awareness of career options, and establishing partnerships with similar existing organizations in Europe.

Meet Oleksandr Lemeshko
Oleksandr Lemeshko is a Professor and Head of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering at the Kharkiv (Ukraine) National University of Radio Electronics (NURE). His research interests include computer network traffic management, optimization and quality of service in infocommunications, wireless networks, hierarchical and fault-tolerant routing, and network security. In his interview, he discusses analyzing and synthesizing telecommunication multiservice networks, improving the scalability of network solutions, activities or upcoming events of the Kharkiv ICT ACM-W Chapter, and more.