ACM Europe Council Best Paper Awards at Conferences
For several years, the ACM Europe Council Best Paper Awards recognized authors of outstanding technical contributions to ACM conferences taking place in Europe. The awards acknowledged groundbreaking research in each conference's respective field for its importance and contribution to the area and highlighted theoretical and practical innovations that were likely to shape the future of computing both in Europe and worldwide.
Award Criteria and Selection Process
Papers presented at all ACM Conferences taking place in Europe were eligible for an award. Award recipients were chosen by an award committee in conformance with conference policies.
Evaluation criteria were determined by the International Program Committee Co-Chairs of each participating conference. The specific procedure for the award presentation for each venue was decided by the Steering Committee or the Program Committee.
Submission Process
All papers accepted for oral presentation at a participating conference were eligible for the award.
Best Paper recipients received a plaque and a 1,000 Euro honorarium.
Awards were presented during the award ceremony at the conference by an ACM Europe Council member attending the conference, or by a party designated by the Council.
ACM Europe Council Best Paper Awards are found below.
PLDI ‘24 Best Paper Award, 24 – 28 June 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
The ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 - 28 June 2024. An award for Best Paper went to Adithya Murali, Cody Rivera, and P. Madhusudan for their paper, "Predictable Verification using Intrinsic Definitions."
SIGMETRICS / IFIP Performance ‘24 Best Paper Awards, 10 – 14 June 2024 in Venice, Italy
ACM SIGMETRICS / IFIP Performance 2024 took place in Venice, Italy, 10 – 14 June 2024. Awards for Best Paper went to:
Mohammad Bakhshalipour and Phillip B. Gibbon for "Agents of Autonomy: A Systematic Study of Robotics on Modern Hardware"
George Yu and Ziv Scully for "Strongly Tail-Optimal Scheduling in the Light-Tailed M/G/1."
TEI ‘24 Best Paper Award, 11 – 14 March 2024 in Cork, Ireland
The 18th International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction took place in Cork, Ireland, 11–14 March 2024. Award recipients were:
Laura J. Perovich and Nicole Zizzi for "Feeling data through movement: designing somatic data experiences with dancers."
Fiona Bell, Joshua Coffie, and Mirela Alistar for "Bio-Digital Calendar: Attuning to Nonhuman Temporalities for Multispecies Understanding."
CHIIR ‘24 Best Paper Award, 10 – 14 March 2024 in Sheffield, UK
The ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) took place in Sheffield, UK, 10–14 March 2024. An award for Best Paper was awarded to Leif Azzopardi and Frans van der Sluis for their paper: "Seeking Socially Responsible Consumers: Exploring the Intention-Search-Behaviour Gap."
SAC '24 Best Paper Award, 8 – 12 April 2024 in Avila, Spain
The 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing took place in Avila, Spain, 8–12 April 2024. An award for best paper was presented to Jinheng Li, Qiao Li, Hu Wan, and Chun Jason Xue for their paper, "Binary Folding Compression for Efficient Software Distribution."
SIGSPATIAL ‘23 Best Paper Award, 13–16 November 2023 in Hamburg, Germany
The International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL) took place in Hamburg, Germany, on 13–16, November 2023. An award for Best Paper was awarded to:
Zelin Xu, Tingsong Xiao, Wenchong He, Yu Wang and Zhe Jiang (all affiliated with the Department of CISE, University of Florida Gainesville) for their paper, "Spatial Knowledge-Infused Hierarchical Learning: An Application in Flood Mapping on Earth Imagery."
HRI '23 Best Paper Awards, 13 - 16 March 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
The 18th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 3–16 March 2023. The awards for Best Paper were awarded to:
Aida Zhanatkyzy, Zhansaule Telisheva, Aida Amirova, Nazerke Rakhymbayeva, and Anara Sandygulova (all from Nazarbayev University) for their paper, "Multi-Purposeful Activities for Robot-Assisted Autism Therapy: What Works Best for Children's Social Outcomes?"
Amal Nanavati, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Ethan K. Gordon, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa (all from University of Washington), and Tyler Schrenk (The Tyler Schrenk Foundation) for their paper, "Design Principles for Robot-Assisted Feeding in Social Contexts."
Katie Winkle (Uppsala University), Donald Mcmillan (Stockholm University), Maria Arnelid, Katherine Harrison, Ericka Johnson (Linköping University), Madeline Balaam, and Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) for their paper, "Feminist Human-Robot Interaction: Disentangling Power, Principles and Practice for Better, More Ethical HRI."
Jake Brawer, Debasmita Ghose, Kate Candon, Meiying Qin Marynel Vázquez, Brian Scassellati (all from Yale University), and Alessandro Roncone (University of Colorado) for their paper, "Interactive Policy Shaping for Human-Robot Collaboration with Transparent Matrix Overlays."
Andrew Schoen, Dakota Sullivan, Ze Dong Zhang, Bilge Mutlu (all from University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Daniel Rakita (Yale University) for their paper, "Lively: Enabling Multimodal, Lifelike, and Extensible Real-time Robot Motion."
IMC 22 Best Paper Award, 25 - 27, October 2022 in Nice, France
The 2022 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) took place in Nice, France, on 25–27, October 2022. An award for Best Paper was awarded to:
Udit Paul, Jiamo Liu, Arpit Gupta, Mengyang Gu, and Elizabeth Belding (all from the University of California, Santa Barbara) for their paper, "The Importance of Contextualization of Crowdsourced Active Speed Test Measurements."
ITiCSE 22 Best Paper Award , 8 – 13 July, 2022, Dublin, Ireland
The 27th ACM conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) was held in Dublin, Ireland from 8–13 July, 2022. The award for Best Paper was awarded to Briana Bettin, Linda Ott, and Julia Hiebel (all from Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan, USA) for their paper, "Semaphore or Metaphor? Exploring Concurrent Students’ Conceptions of and with Analogy."

GoodIT '22 Best Paper Award, September 7 - 9, 2022, Limassol, Cyprusenhagen, Denmark
The ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT) was held in Limassol, Cyprus from September 7–9, 2022. The award for Best Paper was awarded to Julien Maitre, Christiane Bercgeron-Leclerc, Danielle Maltais, and Sébastien Gaboury (all from Université du Québec à Chicoutimi) for their paper "Exploring Anxiety of Québec University Community during COVID-19 Pandemic via Machine Learning."

IDC '22, June 27 - 30, 2022, Braga, Portugal
The 21st edition of the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference was held June 27–30, 2022, in Braga, Portugal. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Gabriella Tisza, Kshitij Sharma, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Panos Markopoulos, and Michail Giannakos for their paper "Understanding Fun in Learning to Code: A Multi-Modal Data approach."

ICFP 22 Best Paper Award , 11 – 16 September 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
The 27th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 11–16 September, 2022. The awards for Best Paper were awarded to:
Nachiappan Valliappan, Carlos Tomé Cortiñas (both from Chalmers University of Technology), and Fabian Ruch (unaffiliated) for their paper, "Normalization for Fitch-Style Modal Calculi."
Beniamino Accattoli (Inria & Ecole Polytechnique), Ugo Dal Lago, and Gabriele Vanoni (both from Università di Bologna & INRIA Sophia Antipolis) for their paper, "Multi Types and Reasonable Space."
Yao Li (Portland State University) and Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania) for their paper, "Program Adverbs and Tlön Embeddings."
Sam Westrick, Jatin Arora, and Umut A. Acar (all from Carnegie Mellon University) for their paper, "Entanglement Detection With Near-Zero Cost."
DEBS '22, June 27 - 30, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
The 16th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS) was held June 27–30, 2022, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award and a prize of €600 which were presented to Steven Purtzel, Samira Akili, and Matthias Weidlich for their paper "Predicate-Based Push-Pull Communication for Distributed Complex Event Processing."

DEBS '22 Best Student Paper, June 27 - 30, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
The 16th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS) was held June 27–30, 2022, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Student Paper Award and a prize of €400 were presented to Liuyang Ren, Paul Ward, and Bernard Wong for their paper, "Toward Reducing Cross-Shard Transaction Overhead in Sharded Blockchains."

PASC '22, June 27 - 29, 2022, Basel, Switzerland
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference was held June 27–29, 2022, in Basel, Switzerland. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Martin Berzins for his paper "Porting Uintah to Heterogeneous Systems."

WebSci 2022, June 26 - 29 2022, Barcelona, Spain
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, the 14th ACM Web Science Conference was delivered in-person and online June 26–29, 2022. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Kristina Hristakieva, Stefano Cresci, Giovanni Da San Martino, Mauro Conti, and Preslav Nakov for their paper "The Spread of Propaganda by Coordinated Communities on Social Media."
SYSTOR 2022 , 13-15 June, Haifa, Israel
The 15th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) was held in Haifa, Israel, 13 - 15 June 2022. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Nanqinqin Li, Mingzhe Hao, Huaicheng Li, Xing Lin, Tim Emami, and Haryadi S. Gunawi for their paper "Fantastic SSD Internals and How to Learn and Use Them."
WebSci 2022, 26 – 29 June 2022 (Hybrid)
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, the 14th ACM Web Science Conference was delivered online. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Kristina Hristakieva, Stefano Cresci, Giovanni Da San Martino, Mauro Conti, and Preslav Nakov for the paper "The Spread of Propaganda by Coordinated Communities on Social Media."
EICS 2021, 8 – 11 June 2021 Virtually
The ACM SIGCHI Engineering Interactive Systems Symposium traces its origins to the Design Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems as far back as 1994. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Jakob Karolus, Francisco Kiss, Caroline Eckerth, Nicolas Viot, Felix Bachmann, Albrecht Schmidt, and Paweł W. Woźniak for their paper "EMBody: A Data-Centric Toolkit for EMG-Based Interface Prototyping and Experimentation."
ICSE 2021, 23 – 29 May 2021 Virtually
The 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) was to be held in Madrid, Spain, but went virtual. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Zelin Zhao, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Tianxiao Gu, and Xiaoxing for their paper "Synthesizing Object State Transformers for Dynamic Software Updates."
EuroSys 2021, 26 – 28 April 2021 Virtually
Originally planned as an in-person event in Edinburgh, UK, the 16th Annual European Conference was held virtually. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which was presented to Nikos Vasilakis, Konstantinos Kallas, Konstantinos Mamouras, Achilles Benetopoulos, and Lazar Cvetković for their paper "PaSh: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing."
CVMP 2020, 7-8 December
At the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, held virtually on 7-8 December, the ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award was presented to Wolfgang Paier, Anna Hilsmann, and Peter Eisert of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute for their paper Neural Face Models for Example-Based Visual Speech Synthesis.
ISS 2020, 8-11 November (virtual)
The 2020 ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference was held virtually 8 to 11 November. In an online ceremony, the Best Paper Award was presented by George Eleftherakis on behalf of the ACM Europe Council to Daniel Mendes (INESC TEC), Sofia Reis (Instituto Superior Técnico), and João Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau (Universidade de Lisboa) for their paper, Collaborative Tabletops for Blind People: The Effect of Auditory Design on Workspace Awareness.

ITiCSE 2020, 17-18 June (virtual)
The 25th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education was scheduled to be held in Trondheim, Norway, but was held virtually. The judging committee awarded the Best Paper Award (1000 €) to Kirsten Mork, John Wilcox, and Zoë Wood of California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo for their paper, Creative Choice in Fifth Grade Computing Curriculum.
IUI 2020, 17-20 March (virtual)
The 25th Annual International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces was scheduled to be held in Cagliari, Italy, but was held virtually. The judging committee awarded the Best Paper Award (1000 €) to Zana Buçinca, Phoebe Lin, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Elena L. Glassman of Harvard University for their paper, Proxy Tasks and Subjective Measures Can Be Misleading in Evaluating XAI Systems. View certificate
Honorable Mention was awarded to Harmanpreet Kaur, Cliff Lampe, and Walter S. Lasecki of the University of Michigan for their paper, Using affordances to improve AI support of social media posting decisions.
View certificate
Second Honorable Mention was awarded to Fumeng Yang of Brown University, and Zhuanyi Huang, Jean Scholtz, and Dustin Arendt of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for their paper, How Do Visual Explanations Foster End Users' Appropriate Trust in Machine Learning?
View certificate
CVMP 2019, 17-18 December, London, UK
At the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, the ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award (750€) was presented to Wieland Morgenstern, Anna Hilsmann, and Peter Eisert of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute for their paper Progressive Non-rigid Registration of Temporal Mesh Sequences. Honorable Mention (250€) went to Gianmarco Addari and Jean-Yves Guillemaut of University of Surrey for Towards Globally Optimal Full 3D Reconstruction of Scenes with Complex Reflectance Using Helmholtz Stereopsis.

RecSys 2019, 16-20 September, Copenhagen, Denmark
The ACM Recommender Systems conference (RecSys) is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of recommender systems. The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award went to Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, Paolo Cremonesi (Politecnico di Milano) and Dietmar Jannach (University of Klagenfurt) for their paper Are we really making much progress? A worrying analysis of recent neural recommendation approaches.

Automotive UI 2019, 22-25 September, Utrecht, The Netherlands
The 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (an international ACM SIGCHI conference) is the premier forum for UI research in the automotive domain. The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award went to Marcel Walch, Marcel Woide, Kristin Mühl, Martin Baumann, and Michael Weber (Ulm University) for their paper Cooperative Overtaking: Overcoming Automated Vehicles' Obstructed Sensor Range via Driver Help.

ITiCSE 2019, 15-17 July, Aberdeen, Scotland
The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award was presented at the ACM iTICSE on July 19 by Aaron Quigley on behalf of the ACM Europe Council to Quintin Cutts, Matthew Barr, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Peter Donaldson, Steve Draper, Jack Parkinson, Jeremy Singer and Lovisa Sundin of the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK for their paper Experience Report: Thinkathon—Countering an "I Got It Working" Mentality with Pencil-and-Paper Exercises. The award-winning paper was selected by the iTICSE Program Committee out of a record 243 submissions, of which 66 were accepted.

MobiHoc 2019, 2-5 July, Catania, Italy
MobiHoc is the premier international symposium dedicated to addressing challenges in dynamic networks and computing. At MobiHoc 2019, the 20th International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, we were pleased to give the ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award to Giulia Fanti (CMU); Jiantao Jiao (UC Berkeley); and Ashok Makkuva, Sewoong Oh, Ranvir Rana, and Pramod Viswanath (UIUC) for their paper Barracuda: Theoretical Analysis of the Power of l-polling in Proof-of-Stake Blockchains. The Award was presented by Chiara Petrioli on behalf of the ACM Europe Council.

TVX 2019, 5-7 June, Manchester, UK
The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award was presented by Bran Knowles on behalf of the ACM Europe Council to Sylvia Rothe, Boris Kegeles and Heinrich Hussmann of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich for their paper, Camera Heights in Cinematic Virtual Reality: How Viewers Perceive Mismatches Between Camera and Eye Height. The paper explores how the position of the camera in cinematic virtual reality influences presence, sickness and the user experience of the viewer.
The award-winning paper was selected from the 14 long and short papers accepted for presentation at this year’s conference by the TVX 2019 Programme Committee.

CHI 2019, 4-9 May, Glasgow, UK
The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award was presented by Joaquim Jorge and Aaron Quigley on behalf of the ACM Europe Council to Kevin Doherty and Gavin Doherty for their paper Engagement with Mental Health Screening on Mobile Devices: Results from an Antenatal Feasibility Study. The paper documents the first feasibility study on mobile devices to engage women in antenatal mental health screening. Using a mobile application, women attending UK National Health Service midwifery clinics provided reports of their wellbeing over a nine-month period.
This award-winning paper was selected amongst the 29 Best Paper Award winners at CHI 2019, by members of the CHI 2019 Best Paper Selection Committee.

CVMP 2018, 13-14 December, London, UK
The ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award was presented by ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee Chair Oliver Grau on behalf of the ACM Europe Council to Yue Li, Liqian Ma, Haoqiang Fan and Kenny Mitchell for their paper Feature-Preserving Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image during the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production. The paper presented a technique to generate detailed 3D information from single images for use in visual effects.

UIST 2018, 14-17 October, Berlin, Germany
RESi: A Highly Flexible, Pressure-Sensitive, Imperceptible Textile Interface Based on Resistive Yarns, by Patrick Parzer, Florian Perteneder, Kathrin Probst, Christian Rendl, Joanne Leong, Sarah Schuetz, Anita Vogl, Reinhard Schwoediauer, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Siegfried Bauer, and Michael Haller, received the ACM Europe Best Paper Award. The certificate was presented on 15 October at the 31st ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium.

ITiCSE 2018, 2-4 July, Larnaca, Cyprus
Ali Erkan was the recipient of the ACM Europe Best Paper Award for the paper, The Educational Insights and Opportunities Afforded by the Nuances of Prim's and Kruskal's MST Algorithms. The certificate was presented on 4 July 2018 at the 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education by ACM Europe Council Vice Chair Judith Gal-Ezer of The Open University of Israel.

VRST 2017, 8-10 November, Gothenburg
The 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology was a record event in terms of submissions (183), participants (240) and graduate students. The ACM Europe Council Best Student Paper Award went to Kangsoo Kim, Gerd Bruder, and Gregory Welch (University of Central Florida) for Exploring the Effects of Observed Physicality Conflicts on Real-Virtual Human Interaction in Augmented Reality.

IOT 2017, 22-25 October, Linz
The Conference on the Internet of Things, building on the success of its predecessors since 2008, is the premier forum for sharing, discussing and witnessing cutting-edge research in all areas of IoT development. The ACM Europe Council was proud to sponsor the Best Student Paper Award, which went to Matúš Tomlein and Kaj Grønbæk of Aarhus University for A Visual Programming Approach Based on Domain Ontologies for Configuring Industrial IoT Installations.

EICS 2017, 26-29 June, Lisbon
The ACM SIGCHI Engineering Interactive Systems Symposium traces its origins to the Design Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems as far back as 1994. The ACM Europe Council was proud to support the Best Paper Award, which went to Miriam Greis, Hendrik Schuff, Marius Kleiner, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt of VIS, University of Stuttgart, Germany for Input Controls for Entering Uncertain Data: Probability Distribution Sliders.

SODA 2017, 16-19 January, Barcelona
The ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms is jointly sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT) and the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics. The Best Paper Award was awarded jointly to Sergio Cabello for Subquadratic Algorithms for the Diameter and the Sum of Pairwise Distances in Planar Graphs; and to Ami Paz and Gregory Schwartzman for A (2 + Є) Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching in the Semi-Streaming Model, which also won the Best Student Paper Award.

VRST 2016, 2-4 November, Munich
The ACM Europe Council and ACM SIGGRAPH presented the Best Paper Award to Misha Sra (MIT Media Lab), Sergio Garrido-Jurado (University of Córdoba), and Chris Schmandt and Pattie Maes (MIT Media Lab) for Procedurally Generated Virtual Reality from 3D Reconstructed Physical Space. The Student Best Paper Award went to Qianqian Tong, Zhiyong Yuan, Mianlun Zheng, Weixu Zhu, Guian Zhang, and Xiangyun Liao (Wuhan University) for A Novel Magnetic Levitation Haptic Device for Augmentation of Tissue Stiffness Perception.