Poster submission Deadline: May 1, 2018

WomENcourage brings together women in the computing profession and related technical fields to exchange knowledge and experience and provide special support for women who are pursuing their academic degrees and starting their careers in computing.
Join womENcourage organizing team and contribute to the organization of the conference! Volunteers are welcome. Please contact [email protected].
News around the world
Minerva Informatics Equality Awards
Apply here
The "Minerva Informatics Equality Award" was launched in 2016 by the Women in Informatics Research and Education (WIRE) working group of Informatics Europe (IE). It is devoted to initiatives that encourage and support the careers of women in Informatics research and education. The Award recognizes best practices in Departments or Faculties of European Universities or Research Institutes and Labs that have been demonstrated to have a positive impact for women.
It has a three-year cycle with emphasis on a different career stage in each year:
- developing the careers of female faculty, including retention and promotion;
- supporting the transition of female PhD and postdoctoral researchers into faculty positions;
- encouraging female students to enroll in Computer Science/Informatics programmes and retaining them.
The focus for the 2018 Award is "Recruiting and Supporting Female Students"
The Award seeks to celebrate successful initiatives that have had a measurable impact on the recruitment and support of female students within the nominated Institution. Such initiatives can serve as exemplars of best practices within the community, with the potential to be widely adopted by other Institutions.
Find out more here
SIGCSE Special Projects Grants Deadline May 15, 2018
Apply here
All SIGCSE members are eligible to apply for this small grants program. Ever had an idea for a project which needs just a little startup funding? Looking for a way to contribute to the computer science education community? The SIGCSE Board invites applications for the next round of SIGCSE Special Project Grants. The deadline for this round is May 15.
Find out more at
Local ACM-W Celebrations of Women in Computing
Women who Code Ukraine

Natalie Lytvyniuk, the ACM-W National Leader in Ukraine, with other members of ACM Ukrainian Chapter participated in the 1-year Celebration of Women Who Code Kyiv.
Women Who Code (WWC) is the global non-profit organization inspiring women to excel in technology careers that for 1 year long have its chapter in Kyiv. The event was held in the head office of Ukrainian IT company - Grammarly Kyiv. The celebration started with speeches of WWC Kyiv leaders Khrystyna Skopyk and Nataliia Ilchenko who told about all the great events was organized by the past year. The anniversary continued with inspiring speeches of leaders of tech-directions. Official part finished with successful stories of WWC members who dramatically changed or grown in their careers.
Afterwards, all participants had a pleasure to enjoy birthday cake and chat one with another. We are happy to summarize that women encouragement have such a diverse and attractive forms, and we want to thank all the members of WWC Kyiv for organizing such inspiring and prominent event!
Following is a list of Future European Celebrations as listed on the ACM-W Celebrations worldwide list.
- ACM-W UK Inspire - Cambridge, UK - April 20, 2018 Website
- Ada's Legacy - Baku, Azerbaijan - April 2018 Website
- ENTER- Belgrade, Serbia - April 25-26, 2018 Website
- IPT - Madrid, Spain - April 19-20, 2018 Website
- WeEdR - Limassol, Cyprus - Spring 2018 Website
All Celebrations are expected to join Celebrations Facebook page.
Contact Wendy Powley ([email protected]) for any inquiries about Celebration support and funding. |
ACM Award and Advanced Grades of Membership Deadlines
Celebrating Accomplishments of ACM Women in Europe
Each year ACM recognizes outstanding achievements of its members through awards that cover a spectrum of professional and technological areas and different stages of professional development.
Following the mission of ACM-W to foster women participation in the field of computing, ACM-W Europe invites the community to welcome and recognize accomplishments of ACM Women in Europe who made significant contributions through their technical and professional excellence.
Advanced Grades of Membership Deadlines:
- ACM Fellow: September 7, 2018
- Distinguished Members: August 1, 2018
- Senior Members: June 3, 2018
Nominations are due January 15, 2019 for the following ACM awards:
Please refer to the ACM Awards website at for:
- Nomination process ("How to Nominate" and the online nomination form), members of the 2017 Award Committees
- Links to the listing of past award recipients and their citations
For SIG-specific Awards, please visit
Thank you for joining us in recognizing accomplishments of ACM Women in Europe and ensuring they are nominated for ACM Awards they deserve.